Monday, 8 October 2012

Performance Optimization – Tightening Your WordPress Site’s Loose Ends

WordPress has gone from being just a blogging alternative to Blogger, to being a full-fledged web development CMS (Content Management System). Vastly popular among web application developers, this platform has been adopted across the globe as a favored means for propping up reliable and robust websites. Many an organization is on the lookout to hire a WordPress developer to help them achieve a cost-effective web development solution. In such a scenario, it becomes increasingly important to fine tune and eke out the best performance from a WordPress site. Here we will look at the most important aspects from a web application development company’s perspective; the theme’s code and database.

One of the important considerations in today’s world of freebies is hosting. Though free hosting is available in ample volumes, it is a wise move to opt for paid hosting as it speeds up your site quite a bit. You should wisely choose from a hosting plan that balances between need and expectations. The basic considerations is hosting support for WordPress, PHP5, MySQL, .htaccess, cron jobs and around a 100GB bandwidth. An optimal choice about the number of databases also goes a long way in deciding the response time of your website. You can also set up a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that stores your static files, such as images and CSS data on different servers around the world, thus allowing the server closest to the user to load them.

Other aspects include removal of unnecessary plugins that do not provide any value to you or your readers, and just prolong the loading time of your website. Installing W3 cache on a website seems to be a popular trend, and why not! It provides caching of pages and posts in memory or on disk, CSS and JavaScript, RSS, search result pages, and database objects. Reducing the number of http request is another way of eliminating unwanted loading time delays. This can be done by combining multiple CSS files into one. Image optimization too helps in the long run.

The list is exhaustive and has been put together owing to our years of expertise in developing and managing WordPress-based websites. You can hire WordPress developers from us who possesses cutting-edge expertise in the field of WordPress development. We are GoodCore, a web application development company that enjoys the credibility of a large number of global clientele owing to our state-of-the-art offshore software development services.


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